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The Rutherford County Courthouse Today


The Rutherford County Courthouse. Courtesy of Amy Davis, Rutherford County Webmaster. Circa 1990-Present.

After the 1950s and early 1960s renovations, the Courthouse did not sink into a sleepy retirement. In 1973 it was placed on the National Register of Historic Sites. The Courthouse underwent additional renovations during the decade to its exterior. Although court is no longer held in the Courthouse, the office of the county mayor is housed there. Many community activities are now held on the Courthouse lawn, or around the structure. Murfreesboro's farmer market is held around the Courthouse during the summer, each Saturday, to list but one of several events.[1]

[1] Michael Gigandet, "Though Time Passes" Collage (Murfreesboro, TN: Middle Tennessee State University, February 1975).

[2] Heritage Center of Murfreesboro and Rutherford County, "One of Tennessee's Six Remaining Antebellum Courthouses. Rutherford County Courthouse," (Murfreesboro, TN: circa 2000).

[3] Rutherford County government, "County Mayor," Rutherford County government, (accessed March 30, 2013).

[4] Murfreesboro Saturday Market, (assessed April 18, 2013).